
Monday, January 13, 2014


Hello Friends!

Happy New Year... Chuc Mung Nam Moi! 

Caught in a netherworld between two New Years (Tet is the beginning of the Lunar Calendar) as I am, I find myself with "more time" to reflect upon my journey thus far. Not only my personal milestones and accomplishments, both big and small, but also those things that I haven't quite conquered yet. In short, tons. 2014 is going to be even crazier!

I'll be posting irregularly (hopefully at least 1-2 times a week) for the next few weeks as I prepare for all that 2014 has in store for me. With multiple trips, a new contract or two, several guests, and a trip home all happening this year, it's going to be non-stop drama and action! I want to start off on the right foot.

In the meantime, feel free to check out my favorite blog posts of last year! These were the ones I wrestled with, the ones that crawled up out of the swamp and tried to drag me back under, but then I went for the eyes, knocked 'em in the palatal valve, and made idea trophies from their heavily edited, excessively toothy carcasses.

In roughly chronological order...

1. The sound of silence, do do do, do do do.

2. My first practical encounter with the address system (before getting epically lost, of course).

3. That time I spent an absurdly long time telling everyone about my personal process for making a mix, although I prefer this mix and probably even this one to the first.

4. My sole product recommendation so far. So worth it.

5. My attempt to start a highly specific themed book club with myself, and then only read one book (but on the plus side, we can never disband).

6. A festive home for the holidays with new friends.

7. My only theatre experience here so far. Thank god it was a good one, I may never have gone again if it sucked.

8. Busses and monkeys - huzzah for getting out of the city!

9. That insane, still-happening canal project - it may, in reality, never end.

10. Why am I traveling? Why am I here? What is my purpose in life? You know, the little stuff.

Happy new year, everyone, and be on the look out for new posts soon. :) I'm so glad you've joined me on this journey so far, and I can't wait to see much, do more, and write as much as I feel like (but hopefully a lot!) in 2014!

Talk to you soon!


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Hi! Thanks for speaking up! :) - Ben